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From Glory to Glory

August 27, 2024

On July 16th I found out that the income I had been recieve would soon dry up. I thought it would last atleast another 2 months giving me time to find something else to replace it. However that is NOT what happened. Rather, the "manna" ceased.

I could have allowed this situation to make me bitter and wonder where God is in all of this? But instead, I was reminded how God is a "supernatural" God. And all the other times this has happened where something dried up or ceased in my life.

The Oxford Dictionary - meaning of SUPERNATURAL manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific undertanding or the laws of nature.

And although we cannot see it in the natural the scriptures say that he goes ahead of us making away. (Deuteronomy 31:8) The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be agraid; do not be discouraged." This position coming to an end did NOT come as a surprise to Him.

It was to me. At first I began to scramble around trying to figure out what am I going to do next. Stressing and fretting, then I realized this was a gift. I have been given time to decide what it is I truly want to do.

I thought it was to stay and play a field I am good at; but now after my toe injury, I am realizing that he wants me to "go for it". To TRUST him and the vision I have on my heart to serve the world. And to do it afraid.

If I'm honest, it scares me. 1. To put myself out there and 2. I wonder how I will make ends meet financially.

I've been conditioned to believe that one must work hard in order to receive pay and depending on your skills and levels of education, coupled with experience, you can land certain jobs and the pay that would be "X" from such work.

However, there is a part of me that KNOWS that He is my source of all. And believes that it is He who gives us our passion and our purpose and when we choose to seek first HIS kingdom everything else will be added to you. That He will provide, exceedingly and abundantly. You will be the head and not the tail. The lender not the borrower. That every need you have will be met. And you will have more than enough to share with the world.

Yesterday I had a talk with my dad and he made a comment that really hit me, "in the real world". I had expressed the idea that I was working on creating a position for myself that would give me freedom to care for my daughter and be available whenever she needed all the while making money that would be enough and more than what I need in order to make ends meet. And he said, "well that's a nice idea" however "in the real world" people must put in their time. Work a 9-5. That is his reality.

My husband and I have not worked a 9-5 job in several years and we have been blessed abundantly. I have always had him to rely on him, however, we are in the middle of a divorce and things are changing. I will NO longer have him to fall back on. I will have to trust and believe in myself and my abilities. And most importantly, in MY GOD! For He will make a way!!

It is time to STEP UP! Build MYSELF up! ENCOURGE my self by standing on the word of God. Reading accounts in the bible of how He has taken care of his people.

I know that He gives and takes away. And favor is waiting for me at my next assignment.

From Glory to Glory he will provide. Always has and always will.

He will never ask you to say goodbye to something or someone without having something better for you lined up. All good gifts come from God.

However he will ask you to strech yourself and to press on.

In the scriptures we read about the Isrealites and the manna that God provided until it ceased. For 40 years they always had their needs met, then God took away the manna. It was no where to be found. They started to wonder, "what is happening?!"

At first the people began to complain. Not realizing it ceased because they were about to enter into the PROMISED LAND. The land "flowing with milk and honey". It ceased in order to be increased.

Sometimes he asks us to let go of old friendships, to leave the familiar and "take a leap of faith" in order for us to recieve our blessing.

This position I had was just a step on the way to my destiny.

Everyone is not supposed to be in your life forever. Some are for a reason or a season, and that's okay. We are all helping eachother to fullfill our assignments. Many are in our lives to get us through the storms of life and others to help complete our lessons.

I know my lesson was/ is SELF WORTH. I have been asked to let go of a friendship I've had for 30 plus years, others for a decade. And the most difficult decision I've ever had to make - my marriage. It was exhausting me and preventing me from focusing on my soul mission.

Think about it, when your mind is not at peace and you are always consumed with fear and frustration where is there room for an act of God to take place. You would not even recognize it when it showed up because it wasn't on your radar. You are just too overwhelmed.

Peace begins with you. Are you at peace? Or are their situations and people that are affecting you causng you to doubt yourself? Our life is meant to be of service to our fellow man. We are to live joyously and give cheerfully and abunantly. Casting all cares and burdens onto the Lord so you can move forward with your God given assignment.

If you're not a peace with yourself, it may be because you are not at peace with God. KNOW THIS "Everything done in the dark will be brought to the light" - Luke 8:17 He already knows what you've done. Bring it to light and get aligned for a blessing. NO LOOKING BACK (you are not headed that way)

When we hold on to something that hurt us in the past or a mistake we had made it prevents us from moving forward. The scripture says to "strain forward" to stretch yourself toward something.

Yes, it may be uncomforable but I promise you will grow in faith.

"Press On" (Philipians 3:13) - Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me. We must keep our minds and hearts fixed on JESUS.

It's not the end of the world. It's only the beginning.

He's got you!