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Joy in the little things

Clean and Tidy

I woke up this morning feeling joyful. I was so relieved to know I can finally bend my toe again!! It's not a 100 percent, but getting there.

It caused me to really think about all the things I am grateful for. And for some reason it was on my heart to get in all the nooks and cranies of the kitchen. Washing the outside fo the cabinet doors, wiping down the shelves, rearranging the placement of the dishes and kitchen gear.

It felt so good!

As I opened each drawer and saw all that I had, it brought tears to my heart. Just how good God is!

You know I prayed for everthing I have and taking care of it really brings me joy. Carefully organizing and wiping down each and every item reminded me of how he takes care of all the details and that I do not need to worry about them. He will make a way just as he has, time and time again.

TRUST the process.

You know Terri Savelle Foy always talks about cleaning up and how God spoke to here about getting things in order. I can totally relate. I feel that is what he is asking me to do in this season. "get ready because I'm about to give you a SUDDENLY!"

God himself declafred that what he has spoken with his holy mouth will happen and will be doing a SUDDENLY in our lives. (Isaiah 48:3) God does things quickly, unexpectedly and without warning. God can do someing in an instant or "suddenly" and make something happen in a day that woul normally take years to happen.

When I tune into that still small voice within, I feel peace. It is when I talk to other people and they put on me their expectations and limits is when I begin to feel overwhelmed. I start to question what I'm doing and because I don't have a plan in place, I feel that I'm in trouble. But the truth is, I'm being obedient to the call on my life. He asked me to Rest in Him. And I am. (Psalm 37:7)

Let go of our burdens. Resting in the Lord can mean a spiritual break from confusion, worry, stress and useless human effort. It an also mean the end of legalistic works and the experience of peace in the total forgivenss of God.

Rest to be at peace. To be still. Rest to Restore.


Today I cleaned the kitchen because it was on my heart to do. I now know why.

The kitchen is the "heart of the home". It's where the food is! Food is a life essential. Some people associate it with sustenance, others with health or comfort. .

And when it's in order, so am I. Our home is a reflection of our inner world.

They say that keeping a clean space is important for mental health. It boosts your mood, helps you move your body more, improves your focus and helps you feel more in control of your surroundings.

So that is what I did! I began with turning on some of my favorite music and clearing away clutter.


CLEAN KITCHEN = Great mental health

Remove clutter and organize gives you a sense of control.

1. I tacked all the dishes and scoured the sink/ faucets

2. Decluttered the counters; removed all items, wiping off the counters, small appliances and decor. Placed back neatly.

3. Wiped all the cabinet fronts and drawers removing finger prints and food splatters.

4. Sprayed down the appliances - inside and out.

5. Organized the cabinets and drawers; I took everything out, wiped down the shelves and put it all back in order

6. Wiped the kitchen window and door wall.

7. Swept, vacuumed and moped the floor


I feel accomplished! I set out to do something and seen it through. Not to mention the "awe"some energy I'm recieving from a clean/ organize space. I love it!

Joy of the lord is your strength. If he asks you to do it, "just do it!" Cleaning used to be something I dread, but to be honest, I truly enjoy it now.


It's rewarding and it helps me to appreciate all that I have and reminds me who is in control.