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What does it mean to have faith?

January 22, 2025

I always thought I had to have a plan, to have it all figured out. Before I stepped out to do something I would assess the situation, identify the obstables and the opportunities; and then proceed.

These past few months have really been challenging. As many of you know that in June, David and I seperated and in July I found out that the company that I was working for was running low on funds. If something did not change, and fast, I would be out of a job. ,I was told I had a few months, however, that was the last payment that I recieved.

I have been diligently searching for another job. Reaching out to everyone I know as well as, scouring the internet via LinkedIN, ForceBrands, Winejobs, Indeed. You name it.

I have been recieving letters with responses such as:"thank you for your interest in....

Unfortunately, after careful consideration, we've decided to move forward with other cantidates who more closely matched our requirements for this role" I have to admit, it has become disheartening and at times I feel overwhelmed. Left wondering, "what am I going to do?" as soon as I ask that, I answer, "Trust in YOU!"

Trust that God is the author and the finisher, that he has my life all mapped out, know that he goes before me, guides me and lives inside me and that He works all things together for my good.

I know these things, however, I battle my mind. My mind says I need to be responsible! I need to do my do diligence! I need to make it happen! I'm trying, but nothing is working out...I feel alot of pressure. Why?! Because I don't know what's going to happen next.

I'm learning that I need to be comfortable being uncomfortable NOT KNOWING.

Moses said that He did not know. And God chose him to prophesize and lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promise Land. I'm sure people wondered, "what kind of leader are you?!" Just because you do not know doesn't mean that God doesn't have a plan. He just hasn't let you in on it yet. And I really like to be in the "know".

I'm learning that Faith is trusting in Him when you do knot know. Take off the pressure. He has you in the palm of His hand. He planed out all of your days. The "how" is God's job!

Moses and Manna. God provided manna for His people and made water come out of a rock. He can do anything! He provided just what they needed each day.

Take one step at a time. Realize that the close doors are protecting me and directing me; stretching me. I may not see a way out, but I know that HE WILL MAKE A WAY.

How do I know? Because I look back in my life and see all the times He came through for me. Here I'm waiting for him at the front door, he may come in the backdoor, through a window or even tear off the roof. God has a solution for every problem we face.

He parted raging seas, opened prison doors, rescued from a fire. Brought down the walls of Jericho. It's okay to say I don't know.It's okay to be at peace.As long as you know who is seated on the throne.

God will make things happen. He always has and always will. His promises come true. God is working behind the scenes. He is a way maker, a promise keeper. Trust him even when you don't understand. It says in the scriptures to "lean not on your own understanding". Our minds can lead us astay. Leaving us feeling lost, upset, frustrated and worried. And what good does that do? Where does that lead you?

God is a God of order and a just God. His ways are higher than our ways.

Know, come whatever may, It will be better than you ever imagined. You WILL look back and say, "Look what the Lord has done!!"

It is written, "Be still and know." Be still means- surrender. Knowing that he is God. Knowing that he is a "super"natural God. Live in awe of his wonders and in expectancy of his Greatness. He loves you. Do what you can do and leave the rest to Him.

Faith is the belief in something or someONE, even when there is no absolute proof. I have Faith in Jesus. He will see this thru and it's okay to not know how or why, but WHO!

I trust in you Jesus. Thank you for your reminders and your patience with me. I'm like doubting Thomas and Peter.

Thank you for allowing me to stress myself out and see that you are always there for me. Always have been always will be. You will never leave nor forsake me.

We read in the scriptures "because of your faith you've been spared"

Not be cause of your works. It's not about you and what you can do, but rather him and who He is. Jesus showed us that faith in God leads to healing, forgiveness and salvation, It is a gift. And it is freely given. It's up to us to believe and receive.