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The Truth about FEAR

It's a lie, you choose to believe.

Think about that. Truth is a fear that you choose to believe. Our minds are so powerful. As we all are well aware, if we don't know how to use a powertool, it can quickly become a weapon. That's why the bible tells us to renew our minds.

In (Romans 12:2) it states, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God.

Viewing life through the lense of God's word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, rather than the lense of your experience, can save a lot of time and heartache.

When I used to get overwhelmed by the fear, I'd reach out to my prayer warrior friend; Katie. She would always help me to regroup. She'd start out by saying to me, "breathe" and then ask,"Is this truth?" Meaning does this thinking line up with God's word?

Renewing your mind, aligns your mind, with the mind of Christ; the truth. The bible tells us to "take every thought captive". Know this, Fear is a spirit.

(2 Timothy 1:7) states, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind".

The spirit of fear "pops in" as an idea like an uninvited house guest. Then a thought you "entertain". If you allow it to stay long enough, it will keep you busy -rehashing everything over and over in your head. Making you feel crazy, leaving you full of doubt.

Why do we do this to ourselves? I believe we do this because we are trying to have control over a situation in order to prevent ourselves from harm. You know what I mean?

Have you ever been so crippled by fear not knowing which way to turn, or who to believe? I have. For years I'd fight with fear. Sometimes I'd find myself so confident in a decision, moving in flow and other times, frozen in time.

What I've come to learn is when this happens we are trying to control the outcome. Subconsiously we are either trying to prevent something from happening; as if we were that powerful. Other times we are left wondering if we are making the "right decison".

God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit; power, love and a sound mind. Rather than labeling a decision good or bad, think of it as a choice you decided to make at THAT time. When we do so, we take away the power; the stronghold it has over us. It realeases us. The truth of the matter is as long as you are not attached to the outcome and focus on the signs, you will have peace of mind.

"There's honey in the rock, water in the stone, manna on the ground. No matter where I go, I don't need to worry." Everything I need you got!" - Brandon Lake

The Holy Spirit, that still small voice inside is always guiding the way. You are never alone. Trust and see.

DId you know that it states in the Bible 365 times "do not be afraid"? God knew that we would feel fear. That's why He reminded us that He is with us. It is our sin that makes us think that we are seperate from Him and are undeserving and not worthy to receive love. Therefore, we miss the signs.

To illustrate this: I love the song from Zach Williams - Fear is a Liar

When he told you you're not good enough

When he told you you're not right

When he told you you're not strong enough to put up a good fight

When he told you you're not worthy

When He told you you're not loved

When he told you you're not beautiful

You'll never be enough

You're NOT good enough, you're NOT right, you're NOT STRONG, you're not WORTHY, you're not loved, you're not beautiful? YOU'LL NEVER BE ENOUGH!!!!

May I ask??? Who's "he"? Just because one person aka fear thinks something doesn't mean anything unless you accept it as your truth. Otherwise, it's just an opinion and opinions are like butt holes, we all have them and we know they stink.

The goodnews is we have freewill, therefore, we've the ability to decide what we will; and will not choose to believe.

Remember who you are! You were created on purpose for a purpose. You have stardust inside of you. (Jeremiah 29:11) states that he has plans for your future.

KNOWING THE TRUTH will set you free. And what's the Truth? Jesus.


See, He's with you, the breath of life. You've nothing to fear, but fear it's self.

Rather, choose to receive. Just believe.