Our bodies are fearfully and "wonder"fully made, and they are always talking to us.
Every ache and pain is there to get your attention. Seeming to shout, "pay attention to me!" Think about it, have you ever had an aching tooth? I sure have. You cannot seem to concentrate on anything other than the throbbing coming from the puslation of your aching tooth. It seems to have a heartbeat of it's own. Check into Chinese Tooth Meridian. You will see that every tooth is connected to a body part and emotion.
Recently it was my Large Intestine tooth- connected to saddness and grief. And I have been feeling those feelings so no wonder my tooth was reminding me it was time to address those feelings.
Did you know that EVERY one of your body parts are connected to an emotion and the "dis"ease you are experiencing is letting you know that there is a problem, that you are out of alignment. Like a "check engine" light on the dashboard, it is signaling you to take a look at what may be the problem.
I'll save you the time... The problem is ALWAYS connected to how we are "thinking" about the matter. Good news! Something to keep in mind, "A thought is a thing and a thing can be changed." I have realized that you have the power to heal yourself.
In 2008, when I was introduced to Louise Hay! If you don't know her, you are missing out. Well, actually not anymore cause, now you NOW know. ;) Check her out in all seriousness. She is "AH"mazing. My boss and friend, Mike Hardy (who has since transitioned to the next world) introduced me to her in 2009. And I am SO happy he did. She taught me the importance of "self love". Not in an egotistical way, but rather in an appreciation to the creator for making "wonder"ful me.
Our bodies are truly amazing. Some say, they seem to have a mind of their own. Cause really they do :) Or atleast that's what I think. I was introduced to the Metaphysical world through Louise's teachings. I now reference her guide whenever I experience an ache, pain or discomfort. I even search it up for friends or family who express to me their ailments. It is always SPOT ON for me. She compiled a reference guide detailing the mental thinking behind the physical ailments and shares positive thought patterns for reversing the "dis"ease and promote health and healing in her book, "You Can Heal Your Life"
It really all comes down to SELF LOVE.
The Greatest Commandments are to LOVE THEY GOD and to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as THY SELF. First we must learn to LOVE ourselves. To embrace all that we are and to accept all we are not. It says in the scriptures that our bodies are the Temple where the Holy Spirit resides. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) "BREATH of LIFE" lives within us.
The inner guidance we get from our body teaches us that we are out of alignment with who and what we were created for. "I don't fix problems. I fix my thinkin. Then problems fix themselves." - Louise Hay. Now I understand why the scriptures tell us to "renew our minds". Your body is incredible.
Start to appreciate you and all you are. You are amazing.