Some of us happen upon an epiphany, an "aha" moment, and a life course change of direction happens. Others of us are left searching for happiness in the things of our lives. We feel unfulfilled and might go so far as to seek professional in navigating these feelings. Newsflash! There is nothing wrong with you. It is just the Universe is trying to get your attention.
Dr. Wayne Dyer refers to these as quantum moments and references a study in the movie: The Shift. Quantum Moments are so vivid and intense that they are forever embeded within our souls. When they come, they are unexpected, uninvited, and unforseen, reulting in personal transformation pushing us into a greater awareness of ourselves and what is most important.
In 2009, I was at the height of my career. I had just been promoted to District Manager (fun fact: I was promoted on my 28th birthday), you will learn I take note of that kind of stuff. I'm totally into dates, times and signs.
Back to the story, you'll note that too... I often go off on tangents, but always manage to circle back around with pretty cool insight. My team was winning incentives one after another. I was LIVING THE LIFE! That was until my eyes were opened to the reality that people were starving from hunger and dying. It was not just in the Third World Country where I had my "epiphany" but that hunger was far reaching and was in my own backyard.
I began to wonder, "Do you think this is all there really is?"
As you are shifting you will begin to realize you are not the same person. That trauma or new awareness has sparked something in you. Things you once liked, no longer bring you joy. Things that you used to toleratel, you will NO longer. You find yourself no longer keeping quiet but speaking your truth without reservation. Where you battled once you now choose to no longer engage, you are silent. You are begin to understand the value of your voice and there are some situations that you no longer need to be part of. During this time you will notice relationships change. Friendships may come to an end. Trust that it is all part of the process. And it's okay. You are growing.
When I first recieved the "call" I felt a change in me. The desire to pursue fame, fortune and beauty began to wear off with the death of Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon and Pharah Facent in 2009. And replaced by a strong desire to live my life "to make a difference."
As you will note below, I publically decided and declared at the Joyce Meyer Love Life Women's Conference in September 2012, that I am "Making a Difference". "I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13.
I took the hunger call literally and started volunteering at a food pantry, while I focused on creating a brand that gives back- yumbitz (cookies on a mission) targeting childhood hunger. I had aways dreamed of having a cookie company. I thought this would be a "wonder"ful way to remind people just how absolutely AMAZING they are! and offer them an opportunty to contribute to a growning need, while treating themselves to something yummy. WHo doen's love cookies?! I was surprised just how many were not on board with this idea. I'd offer them a sample, seriously the cookie was the size of a quarter and they'd turn me down. Then, I realized their was a whole nother hunger people had... and that caused me to switch gears. I'll share more about that at another time.
Yumbitz, my husband David came up with the name. Pretty clever right?! It was based on the scripture, "Taste and see the lord is good" Psalms 34:8. I renamed the cookies as reminders for people to "enjoy the journey!" savor (chocolate chip) the little things in life, indulge (double chocolate fudge) in all it's "awe" and "wonder", unwind (white chocolate macademia) rest and restore and shine (lemon) bright!
Just BELIEVE! You were born to do incredible things! Watch and see!