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Are you paying attention?

Signs, Dreams, Wonders and Visions are all around us. Guiding us. The question is not "Is He real?" but rather, "Are you paying attention?" The Universe is always sending us signs.

I've felt as though there was an angel sitting on my shoulder telling me to "look down", "look up" "go this way" I'm not talking about hearing an audible voice, but just a prompting to look beyond...

It may be through a finding a feather or coin along your path that seems to be perfectly placed. No others to be found. You may say to yourself, "where did that come from?" "How did that get there?"

A chance encounter with a perfect stranger that came at just the right time sharing something that seem to speak to your soul. Leaving you to ask yourself, "what made them call and reach out?"

Or a dream that you wake up from with inspiration or a message, "WOW! Was someone trying to CONNECT with me?"

Wonders, those pinch me moments. You want to know if it's really happening?! It was just so incredible that you are just in "awe" leaving you saying to yourself, "wow, I can't believe that just happened!" Encounters with earth angels. It happens everyday. Many have shared their personal stories. If it can happen to them, it can happen to you.

You may be thinking to yourself... nothing like that every happens to me. Oh really, I would beg to differ?! The problem is they HAVE happened and you over looked it charging it up to happenstance, irony or pure coincidence. The truth is, you did not believe. You even said it to yourself, "I can't believe that just happened."

We've been conditioned that the supernatural is out of this world. So many of us don't even give it a chance or explore. Why? cause you are more concerned about "what will they think of me" than, "where is this leading me?" We get caught up in people pleasing that we get off track entirely from our life path.

Let me give you an example: Say, you've been pondering which direction to go regarding an important decision. You get a call from a friend you haven spoken to in YEARS, that alone is cool!. They happen to start sharing something personal that seems to be the answer you've been looking for. (an answer to prayer) Only you and God ever talked about. You get off the phone so excited! You "can't believe", you see where I'm going with this?; that they just called out of the blue and said what your heart has been longing to hear. You're so eager to share. So you call your best friend or whoever and you want them to be JUST as excited as you. But their reacion is not at all what you anticipated. It almost seems to suck the JOY right out of you. Do you know why that happened? Cause subconsiously you were looking for validation for the story you told yourself, "I can't believe it"... Then the doubt creeps in... and the questions start coming up. and you begin to reason and make sense of it. You know exactly what I'm talking about, cause it has happened to you. How do I know? Cause it has happened to me too. There have been numerous times these miracles have happened, but I discounted them, that was until they began to flood in. One right after another poured in. Looking back, it was when I gave attention to them that more and more guidence came.

It was when I began to trust the voice within. To believe it happened and IS happening!!! It was then that there was something reaching out to me. Helping me to see that I am not alone. and neither are you. Your breath is living proof! Who gave you your breath to breathe? You see what I'm talking about. There is something greater than Thee.