So I got this brillant idea.
I'm in between jobs, living on savings at the moment; all the while going thru a divorce. Slowly I've been watching my money dwindle down. Needless to say, it is alot! I have been putting in my resume and filling out applications to no avail. I know something will POP when it's time. However, the human in me is starting to worry. Worry is not trusting.
I have always felt that there is a fine line between human responsibility and divine intervention. We must make our moves! So, I put out a post on facebook asking others for side hustle ideas.
One person posted about how he makes $20 an hour with door dash.
I thought, "that's cool!" maybe I'll try that too. I downloaded the app, completed all the necessary info and was cleared. YAY!
I get Teady ready for his walk and off we go. While out, I had a divine encounter with a slug. He caught my eye. And you know me, I had to look up what was he trying to tell me.
"When you see a slug, it reminds us to slow down, trust our instincts, and release what no longer serves us. Be patient and grounded, connected to the earth. Take your time and trust your own pace. GOOD LUCK, reminding you that slow progress can still lead to success. Stop doubting yourself. Simplify your life, let go of whatever is weighing you down." For a brief moment I thought maybe he was trying to tell me NOT to do DOORDASH then, I just carried on.
Flash forward to today, I am all excited for my first day on the job. I accept the PING and off I go. Immediately, I am overwhelmed with fear. "I don't know what I'm doing!!" "It's going to be okay, that's how you learn. Be honest with others if you get stuck. They will help you."
I get my first ping and it has two stops. COOL I thought, "what did I just get myself into? there is no turning back! People are counting on you and they are HANGRY. I pick up the order from Steak and Shake, it is complete with a vanilla milk shake. YUM!
Then I head over to Panera Bread to get the other order. Everything is going smooth. That is until I enter a gated community with NO GATE CODE. I follow another car in. PHEWWWWW
This added a few extra minuetes but I was still doing good on time. I get into the middle of the subdivision when I am told that the house is 400 ft ahead on the right side... and I see another gate. This one says DEAD END on both sides of the gate.
Was this a sign?!
I ignore it and call the Door Dash customer. I explain where I am and she agrees to meet me at the gate. Good, I think to myself. When I reach in the car to grab her order, the milk shake lid pops off and the icecream shoots out the top all over me and my car. Thank goodness it was not for her, however, it was for my next drop. UGGH! WHAT A MESS!!!

I head back over to Steak and Shake to get my customer a new shake and replacement for their order considering the time it is taking. They call me, "is everything ok?" I explain what happened and they are completely understanding. He even hooked me up with a $5 tip because he felt bad.
Okay, that's 3 signs... slug, dead end and milk shake: maybe I should reconsider DOOR DASH.
Head over to my next call, this one is in an office complex. I pull into my parking spot and run their order in. All smiles!! Everyone is happy!!! Me too. I did it in record time. Plus, no issues. That was until I backed out of my spot and heard my front end scraping. That's right, I just lost my bumper to the parking block. OH MY!!!!!!!! I try to put it back up, but this time, it is not cooperating.
SIGN NUMBER 4 - yeah, I hear you. I'm going to rethink this.
God told me to rest in him. He also told me that he was going to restore me.
It is me who is being impatient and worrying. I don't want to be left with no money in the bank. As if I can control what is happening to me. I decide to take matters into my own hands.
God was reminding me who is in control. And it will all work out in HIS TIME. Rest in him.
Last time I didn't listen, I ended up with a broken toe. Lord, I'm listening.
p.s. I almost forgot. I saw on a car "Let that shit go!" it seemed to shout out to me.
Sign #5