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Return to Innocence

Happy 17th Anniversary

July 7, 2024

I just woke up from a dream I had and I called out my childhood (middle school age) best friend's name "Barbara Shea".

In the dream I was fighting for justice over being ripped off for a can of soda.
I was charged for a full can but when I got it, it was already open and barely had any left in it. I began to shout at the black woman that had served me. "I paid for a full can and you gave me less than half! I want my money back!!" She told me to prove it. Then I said, you can even ask my best friend Barbara Shea.

As I was expressing my displeasure a little black girl, maybe about the age of 7, in a white dress came running inbetween us. She was quick, however, I was able to catch a glimpse fo what she had on.

I noticed she had a unicorn her white dress and what I could make out words that read: "JES US". There were additonal words but I could not make them out, only the other word, "pretend"; with a colorful haired unicorn.

I am a big believer in signs and their meanings so I had to look it up. They say dreaming of a little girl in a white dress represents:

Innocence and purity - let go of past traumas or negative experiences that have tainted your out look on life.

New Beginings

Unicorns represent purity, grace and enchantment. It is a symbol of beauty and magic that has captivated the imagination of people for centuries. Seeing a unicorn in a dream can signify a connection to your own inner power and spirituality. It may indicate a need to embrace your uniqueness and individuality as the unicorn is often depicted as a solitary creature. Additionally, the unicorns horn is believed to possess healing properties, so dreamng of a unicorn can represent a desire for healing and transformation in your life.Dreaming of a unicorn can also cary a sense of hope, joy and innocence. It may symbolize a sense of freedom and escape from the constraints of reality. Seeing a unicorn in your dreams could indicate that you are seeking a more magical and idealistic version of life. This may be a reminder to reconnect with the childlike wonder and imagination that you may have lost touch with. Overall, dreaming of a unicorn is a powerful symbol that encourages you to embrace your true self, believe in the extraordinary, and pursue a life filled with joy and wonder.

The name Jesus is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Yeshua, which means “to rescue, to save, to deliver. SO TIMELY

I was extremely sad. Today is my 17th Wedding Anniversary. Most of you know that I am in the middle of a divorce. While I was brushing my teeth recalling the dream, I was hearing the song, "Return to Innocence" by Enigma playing in my head.

"Don't be afraid to be weak"

"Don’t be too proud to be strong."

"Just look into your heart my friend"

"That will be return to yourself"

"The return to innocence"

I had not heard that song in years, probably since my highschool days. Ironically it came out in 1994 the year before I started getting into a serious relationship with a boy.

For those of you who don't know I have been married twice. The first was my highschool sweetheart. That was short lived and then this marriage, to my soul mate or so I thought.

"Believe in destiny. Don't care what people say, follow your own way"

I couldn't remember all the words, just some. I started to listen to the song on my phone, then I heard the little voice say to me- "watch the video" so I searched it up on YouTube. I had NEVER seen the video before.

Within a few short seconds I spotted it!!! The Unicorn. I had JUST seen a unicorn last night in my dream!!! The unicorn is found throughout the various scenes in the video. It was quite interesting that's for sure. Everything was going in reverse. His and her lives are shown in reverse all the way up to the day they were baptized as babies.

Midway through the song the a woman whispers…
"That’s not the beginning of the end."

"That’s the return to yourself."

"The return to innocence."

This part in the song got me all choked up (especially considering what today marks)–it was the scene of a husband and wife just getting married. He is carrying her out of the chapel.

I was amazed. God saw me. He KNOWS my pain. This song and the dream were His way of comforting me and telling me I'm doing the right thing and that it's going to be okay. I'm returning to innocence.
I had to share this with several friends! I even made them watch the video. I wanted to know what they thought. Each one got the chills. For me it was confirmation.

Angel Number 17 indicates that your angels want you to know that you are on the ‘right path’ on your life’s journey. The angels support and encourage you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and you have good reason to be optimistic about your chosen direction or path.

All I can say is, "thank you!"