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trust that you are divinely guided

I have been hearing a little voice in my head over the past few days saying to me, "rest in me."

I thought to myself, that's what I'll do, "from now on I will focus on Jesus instead of all the problems I'm facing." I decided to start each day with my morning walk with God, listening to Christian music encouraging me. I was really proud of myself because I made a commitment to myself and honored it.

Yesterday morning I really wanted to sleep in. I live in Florida so if you are not up early it gets HOTTTT out there. Too hot to enjoy a walk! It was close to the 9 o'clock hour when I finally got myself in gear to head out the house. It was begining to get hot, but I pushed thru, I did not want to let myself down.

On my walk, I heard "rest in me" again. I did not give it too much more thought and went about my business walking to the corner to meet my tree friend. It's pretty cool at the corner of Bruce B Downs and County Line there is a tree that I "high five" each time I make it there. It gives me something to look forward to. Some hug trees, so why not high five em?!

I was feeling really pumped up when I got back to the house, jumped in the shower and started to get ready. I was excited because soon Karly and Teady would be here.

I was in the bathroom, naked, tidying up the counter top and putting things away when I picked up my insulated cup (metal cup) when something I wish I could turn back the hands of time happened. It was as though something pushed it out of my hand and I just stood there watching in slow motion it all play out. The cup left my hand and started to make it's way to the floor, tumbling over top of itself, then the metal part you drink from came crashing down and karatee chopped my big toe on my right foot.

The pain that came from that impact was so overwhelming, it made me feel sick to my stomach and I could barely stand anymore. I could not believe what just happened. Oh my, I thought to myself, did I just break my toe?! I'm still not sure whether or not I did, but I am treating it as though I have, following the RICE method. They really cannot do much for a broken toe/ toe injury outside of splinting it.

Then, I was reminded of what I've been hearing, "rest in me"!

I have NOT been resting. I have been running. I have been busying myself cleaning, organizing, looking for a new job. Trying to figure it all out. And definately NOT heeding the call to rest. Then bam, NOW, I am forced to.

I cannot stand up on my foot for the rush of blood and pressure is so over powering, toe has it's own heart beat that I can hear all the way up here. and the pain is unbareable.

I know that the universe is always sending us signs and uses our bodies to communicate to us so, I went to Google to search up the spiritual meaning of an injury to the BIG TOE.

Louise Hay believed that toe injuries were physical manifestations of unnecessary emotional worries about future details. Others reported, the Big Toe - The Eather toe injury points to challenges relating to grounding and stability. The big toe plays a crucial role in maintaining our balance and stablility and helping us staying grounded and connected to the earth.

Spiritually it is often associated with our foundational beliefs and values, and the way we root ourselves in the world.This occurence serves as a reminder to take a step back and reevaluate our lives, reaffirming our connections with our values and the world around us.

This type of injury is painful and limiting requiring "rest" and recovery.

They say this could be a reflection of being too caught up in the rush of life, neglecting self care or personal growth. A wake up call to reassess your priorities, reconsider your direction and reconnect with your inner self. Urging you to ensure that the path you are on aligns with your true purpose and values.

It could be an indication that we are losing sight of our spiritual path, or struggling to remain balanced in the face of life's challenges. YES, YES and YES. All the above.

Ever since I recived the notice that the brand I represent was running low on funds, I was struck with FEAR. I started to allow fear to take over the place that faith once resided. I got caught up in the HOW.

How am I going to make ends meet? What am I going to do for work? How long will the money last that I have in the bank now? I could go on and on... It began to consume me.

Hence, the cup situation. I was not present, nor mindful. My mind was FULL- but not in the moment. I was worrying rather than putting my trust in Jesus.


When I prayed, he answered. When I did not know what I was going to do, he made a way. The beautiful home I was blessed with is proof. However, I still get tripped up from time to time in trying to have it all figured out.

I know that growth requires time and set backs are really set ups. I'm look at this injury as a reminder to pause, reflect and heal before proceeding again.

Some say that this injury can be seen as a divine intervention. In my case I'd have to agree. They also say it can serve as a powerful indicator of resistance to life's changes. That I definetly have a hard time with, CHANGE. And often times I am hesitant to step forward into the unknown. Due to fear of failure and lacking confidence in my own abilities.

This moving out on my own makes me feel like an 18 yr old child again. However, I am not, I'm 45 yrs old and starting ALL OVER. And For some reason that feels incredibly overwhelming and defeating and scary.

When we are in our heads, we cannot allow our bodies do what they do and that is protect us from harm. We disturb our "basic instincts" (the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn).

I am believing this break is to serve as a RESTORATION of self. A reminder for me to cherish and treasure my body for what it is, The Temple of the Living God.

And He is starting with my foundation. Hence the big toe. The Ester Toe the divinity toe.

God works in mysterious ways.