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It all begins and ends with you

July 13, 2023

Relationships are the most difficult thing to navigate.

Over the past month, I have been hit with all sorts of "feelings".

Some my own, and others, from friends, family and aquantances. Each of us are walking our own path. We are trying to line up our truths with the truths of others. But the reality is, that will never be possible. NO ONE will ever think or be just like you in thought or mission. Why? because we've each been tasked with a different vision.

We were created on purpose for a purpose.

That little voice inside is always guiding us. Our emotions and feelings are indicating to us when we are in or out of alignment. The alignment is not with others, but rather our life mission.

People will come and go - "let them."

That is a lesson I am learning. It's not personal; it's necessary. We need each other to accomplish what it is we are here to do. We will connect and disconnect with othrs based upon the completion of tasks,as well as, the speed to which we learn our life lessons.

I personally have been on the quest of "self love". I have had people come along side me to lift me up, build me up with "words of affirmation" and those same people leave me or destroy me by saying something unfavorable or contrary to what they've been saying about me prior. I'm learning it's okay! It's okay, it's all okay. Everything will be okay. You are loved and adored by the creator of the Universe for you are His. You belong to him. It is when we forget who we are we seek validation and confirmation of our worth and value outside of ourselves.


Why? Because they too may be seeking validation and worth and you no longer are providing it to them, so they subconsiously seek it outside of the relationship. They go elsewhere. They grow cold, distance and eventually drop you. They may not even be aware that they are doing it. You may be doing the same and are not aware of the behavior unless you self inflect.

Identity (self) when it is sought outside of ourselves will most certainly end in heartache.

You must build your self esteem and worth on TRUTH.

What is self esteem? Confidence in one's own worth or ability. Self Respect.

Self worth? Internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self love and self esteem.

It is directly linked to how much YOU value yourself regardless of what others say or feel about you.

The owness is on YOU!

You may feel a sense of anger and condemenation from this realization when I say, The responsibility lies with you. Some of us have been taught the word responsibility is condeming and carries shame. But it is really the MOST POWERFUL POSITION ONE CAN HAVE!

If you are responsible that means that YOU are in charge and that you can have the life you desire to live. You can create that for yourself once you remove the barriers that are preventing you from seeing who you truly are.

How do you start to see? You take notice of all that you are and are not. This is the begining of Self Understanding. What makes you, You? What makes you tick? What do you believe in? What do you like about yourself? What don't you like about yourself? - take note on a physical, mental, and spiritiual bases and ask yourself, who's responsible for this?

This is where that serenety prayer comes into play- "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

What is serenity? The ability to stay calm and peaceful despite what's happening in and around you.

Practice Gratitude and Forgiveness. Become mindful of your words and deeds. Make time for you. Honor your word and promises you make to yourself and others therefore you can learn to TRUST yourself. This will assist you in building your confidence in tuning into your intuiton and following it.

When you were a child your intuition guided you, the sound of "your own voice". The voice within. That was until the voice of your parent or elders superseeded, due to domination. They told you that "they knew" what was best for you. But the truth is NO ONE knows what's best for you outside of yourself.

We just were told that they did, We then trusted and believed it. That's where the KNOWING and BELIEVING come in play. You KNOW that you KNOW that You KNOW what is best yet you deny your own inner truth to save the peace but does it really save the peace or does it create an even greater battle within?

One must first inflect. Inflect, own your feelings, don't minimize your feelings, Be Honest, Be Truthful.

LISTEN. "Do to others, as you would have done to you" We desire to be heard when we share our inner thoughts. And it all begins with YOU. The ONENESS.

When we choose to see ourselves the way God sees us. The world we live in changes. THe lense we see through changes. We will no longer see differences as something to be seperated by, but, to be celebrated and appreciated.

When we see all the beauty inside oursevlves, we cannot help but see it around as well.

Relationships are important, especially the one we've with ourselves.

Love your God with your whole heart and Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF. We are made in HIS image.