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It's going to be okay

This morning I decided to take my life back.

I began the day with a morning walk. I have not been out for a walk in a really long time. I stopped working out after the death of Ruff. I've been fighting the fact I live here in Florida. It's really hot and humid. Very uncomfortable to be outside. I had been so spoiled during our stay in California. THe weather was perfect and there were NO BUGS.

While out, I heard the little voice whisper, take yourself to see that movie. I had been wanting to see "It Ends With Us" . For some reason I felt that the story line was going to resignate with me. And TODAY was the day that I needed to see it.

I have never been to a movie by myself. But I really wanted to go and really had no desire to ask anyone to join me. I felt this was something that I needed to do on my own. If I'm honest, I was kind of excited to date myself this afternoon especially when that same little voice told me that I would meet a new friend there. I was kinda excited to know who it was!!!

Back to the walk, I like to listen to motivational speakers when I need encouragement; Terri Savelle Foy is one of my favorites. So I searched up on YouTube one of her talks on dreams and decided to listen to it. She began by saying that we needed to have a vision.

That was IT. That was my problem. I did not have one. I have been allowing life to happen to me. At times, it has felt as if waves were just crashing down on me. One right after another, barely able to stand up after each one hit. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about, but have you ever played in the ocean and just got pumled by a wave. Just when you think you got your footing, another one comes crashing down on you... Well that's how it has been for me for about 2 years now, especially since my last post in January.

June 15th after the sale of my home I was finally feeling starting to safe and sound, when, CRASH; I got a letter from my only client stating soon the funds would run dry.

OH MY! I just moved into a new rental property; on my own. Fear came to take over where Faith once resided. This has been all too much for me to handle on my own. So, I turned it all over to JESUS.

I realized that I was building my foundation was once again on people. I had to remind myself that Jesus is my source. "I called and he answered." I prayed for the home I live in and the job I had. And this position I held was just a re-source. The source had not changed. I was not alone.

However, this is really hard to believe when you look in the natural at your money and think to yourself, how long you can live on what you have? I was giving myself panic attacks. I was crying so hard I could barely catch my breath.

Yesterday it got so bad I knew I had to reach out for HELP. So I turned to my friend Katie Purdy. She is always so good at helping me to remember and stand firm on the word of God. She prayed over me. Afterwards,I felt different. I literally felt God take off all the burdens.

Our talk and that prayer gave me the confidence to take my life back. I told myself from here on out, I would start by taking a walk with God everymorning.

I usually like to listen to Christian Worship songs, but today I needed Terri. The Cheerleader of Dreams. Terri is a firm believer in Jesus. I love to listen to her because she is so authentic and honest about her journey. And so encouraging. She lights a fire in me.

The serman I listened to today stated how important it is to write down your vision. I know that, just have not been making the time to do so. I would tell myself that I needed to spend time looking for a new job all the while trying to save the one I got. and once I got back on track, then I'd start focusing again on my dreams.

Before I left for the movie, I heard the little voice say, go to Dick's and get yourself some new workout shorts. I don't like to wear shorts often. I've always been insecure about my legs. Stems from my sister and her friends making fun of me calling me, Thunder Thighs.

I know that God has something planned so I was obedient and thought I could head over there before the movie. They happen to be in the same plaza. As I'm driving over to the theatre a car pulls out infront of me with a license plate that says, "NU LYFE". In that moment, I felt confirmed.

As I am putting this together I wondered how this word - confirmed, related to Jesus? when I came across a man by the name of David Hathaway, on YouTube speaking on this very topic.

He stated that Jesus confirmed the word with signs and wonders referenceing Hebrews Chapter 2. He shared how Paul says, "faith comes by hearing!" Reminding us to take heed to the things you've heard.The word spoken by angels confirmed by the witnesses (you and I) that heard it. Evidence of salvation, heard and repeated by the those of us who have experienced the "hearing of the word".

Then It clicked!!

Who Jesus really is! Through the signs and the miracles his word is confirmed. He is the wonder working God. Was and always will be. And God backs up the word we heard with tangible signs.

In the Bible, (Hebrews 2: 4-5) states that God confirmed his message with signs, wonders miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Indeed I am on my way to my new life. Thank you.

"Every spirit has a story". Write yours! Run in the direction of your dreams. Make a plan and make it plain. With directions and coordinates to follow. Where do you see yourself? What would you like your life to look like?

I have had so many "awe"some adventures with God. I wrote a whole book about them and have many more stories to tell. However, I over the past 7 months I felt like it was over when my marriage came crashing down on me. I felt defeated and like a failure once again.

However after seeing the license plate, "NU LYFE" and the movie, "It Ends With Us"

I realized I'm on my way to my new life.

Oh, I almost forgot, I also was gifted a massage by a friend. That's how I ended my "me day". Although I don't have funds coming in thru my job, God someone to gift me the money to enjoy a massage. Another "resource".

Through this whole ordeal, it dawned on me, "In God We Trust", is printed on each and every bill.

It's going to be okay. God works all things for my good. Even gifts of goodbye.

By the way, I did meet a new friend at the movies.:)