Even on days you think no one knows what you are going through, a miracle happens.Do you ever get woken up in the middle of the night with someone on your heart? It has happened to me often. 3:38 am God put it on my heart to reach out to Katelynn. I met her and her family years ago, I actually write about her mom in my book. She's the woman who spoke to me and told me "take a leap of faith" confirming something that God spoke to me in a dream.
"Take a leap of faith, quit your job, put me first and I will bless you with a baby girl named Karly"
I had not spoke to Katelynn in at least 13 years. I searcherd her up on facebook found her and sent her a message: "Hello Katelynn! I see you love to read. Me too! I finally wrote a book that's been in my heart. I'd love to gift you a copy. Send me your address." Later that afternoon she replied with her address. Nothing else.
Flashforward to May 27th, the death day of my Grandma Sarah; whom I also write about,
she replies, "Hi! I read your book! I had no idea my mom was in it."
The following day we exchange phone numbers. She texts and tells me how she had been re -reading through my book and was curious about vision boards and wanted to better understand them. She inquired if it was a board with all things you want to manifest or is it comparmentalized like personal or professional etc.
I began to share with her how I used a bulletin board and post up pics or declarations, referencing Hababkuk and how it states our visions appear when we make them clear. I introduced her about Terri Savelle Foy, The Cheerleader of Dreams! If you have not had a chance to check her out, I highly recommend you do. Her life is incredible. God has been using her to showcase his masterpieces.
I shared with Katelynn how God had put her on my heart the night I wrote her. I asked her if she had a chance to finish my book, I was curious what she thought of it. Her reply was, "Have you seen the movie War Room?" I had not. She went on to tell that there's a document in her house with dates on it and small phrases on brown paper that reminds her of what God has done for her on her behalf in prayer. Your book is tangible proof of God on your behalf, it's your war room."
So last night my family and I sat down to watch the movie. WOW! It was moving. And I could not get over how it seemed to tell our story. The current one we were in. Highlighting the battle my family has been fighting for years. The attack on our marriage.
I felt like God was letting me know that he sees me and what we are going thru and this was his way of saying, "thank you!"In the movie, Priscilla Shrier fights her battles on her hands and knees.
Reminding me of the Phil Wickham song that has got me through, "Battle Belongs"
So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees. With my hands lifted high. Oh God, the battle belongs to you. and every fear I lay at your feet. An almighty fortress. You go before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God.
Since I reached out to Jesus pleading for HELP he has come to my rescue. He has worked in "awe"some ways to connect us to those who can help us navigate and restore.
I will be sharing that journey in my next book. Stay tuned...
Back on track, I learned that Katelynn works in the library. How ironic. I had no idea that she did.
She was able to share with me a few new resources I plan to check out. God works in mysterious ways. I'm just grateful to be part of his Magic!