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"OUCH!" Sunday, I accidently dropped an insulated, metal cup on my big toe (aka The Great Toe, the Ether Toe, and the Destiny Toe) The element of Ether refers to the vastness of life's possiblities.

This injury seemingly minor and insignificant has greatly affected my ablity to walk, run, stand and dance. I LOVE DANCING. (It's when I feel the most alive!) So bummed I cannot do any of that right now. I've been forced to REST.

It has had a ripple effect of discomfort and imbalance limiting my overall funtionality and mood.

If you know me I'm always on the hunt for the deeper meaning behind things. As soon as this happened I felt it was a divine message. So I searched it up.

The big toe is often associated with worry and fear. An injury to this toe can be a sign of imbalance or stress. According to the chakra theory, the feet are an aspect of muladhara, the root chakra. The chakra itself is located at the perineum and pelvic floor, but it connects down through the legs and especially to the bottoms of our feet. When something is "off "with our root chakra, we are often feeling unsafe on some level. The feet represent our first contact with the earth, and this is the element of home, security, safety and any concerns about money.

For me it's money. Fear that there will not be enough. I've never been in a situation that I did not have enough, but somewhere deep down in my soul there is a FEAR. I know that Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. And truth is God's word. I have been needing to remember the truth- that God is a God of abundance. Just take a look outside, the trees, the blades of grass "can't count em". Just the wiring in my brain is needing to be restored. I need to trust that God's got me and that he goes ahead of me and is making a way.

This injury took place on my right side - spritual meaning: regarding life purpose, career - future path ego disconnect from destiny. Sounds about right! I have been scrambling trying to figure out my next move. But God put me in my place. "Be still".

I cannot believe how much this "small" injury has impacted my life. Toes are so important and often overlooked. Especailly the Big Toe. You need it for everything! It provides balance and stability for the ENTIRE body.

Physically and Spiritually. Thank God for Smoking Dog FREEZE and THC gummies. My toe had it's own heartbeat I could hear all the way up here, the pain was unbearable.

I was also reading that the root chakra can become blocked by fear and various forms of trauma. So far, right on!

Spiritually the meaning of foot injury. Not moving in the right direction or not standing firm on your personal beliefs and values. Both would be true for me. I'm in the middle of some major life changes and am respondng in a "knee jerk" reaction due to feeling like I have no other choice.

It is also an indication that our earth star chakra is needing to be cleared. The earth star chakra anchors us to the wisdom of the earth, to our ancestral spirits, the faerie realm, and the collective consciousness of humanity.

This is the first time I had ever heard of this chakra. I was facinated and wanted to learn more. In order to feel more grounded we need to balance/clear this chakra. For it is our anchor, aiding us in cultivating a profound sense of stability and expanding our consiousness to recognize our interconnectedness with the earth and all living beinings. This is a potent step in your journey to spiritual recovery and self realization.

Ways to heal: eat root vegetables, drink plenty of water. Make sure to dedicate time for solitude in nature.

Interesting, on Saturday I felt the need to take myself to the beach. I thought about inviting a friend but then I said to myself, this is necessary time for healing. And as I was headed to Siesta Key Beach, I looked up and read the street sign - "solitude street" and it confirmed me.

I needed to go to the beach because I was experiencing some health issues and I knew that the healing powers of the quartz sand, coupled with the salt water would be just what I needed! Did you know that people come from all over the world to Siesta Key for it's healing properties. They say that there is also a spiritual vortex on the beach.

I am aware that much our physical issues are just manifestations of emotional imbalances and with all that has been happening lately in my personal life, I'm sure I'm out of balance.

Upon returning home I felt refreshed and could tell that something shifted. I just did not realize I was still blocked until that cup came crashing down on my foot. I guess that's one way of releasing the stored emotions.

"Anger and resentment" were blocking my flow and it was evident from the BIG TOE injury. The Big toe is the gateway to the liver and spleen- both of which are store houses for anger. I searched the internet for bloggers and found mutiple people who wrote on this vary subject or had shared their own personal injury cases and what they learned regarding their spiritual path.

Emotionally I am hurt and NEED to rest. I have always looked at rest as being lazy. For some reason in my brain I think in order to be productive we must be busy doing. Little by little I am starting to realize the importance of rest. Even God rested on the 7th day.

I'm using this gift of time to focus on my inner wisdom and intuition. However, I feel that God is using this situation to teach me to rest and recupe. Recuperation can be a time of introspection and self discovery. Causing me to reassess my life path. Often times, the smallest setbacks can lead to significant personal growth. This situation has caused me to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and "tune into" that still small voice. It is speaking to me thru my body. Helping me to develop patience and acceptance. Reminding me that healing, just like personal growth and develpment takes time and cannot be rushed.

Every step we take, whether comforable or painful is part of our overall journey. This is a sign that I need to acknowledge the pain and recognize it as part of my spiritual growth.

"What is my great unfulfilled dream?" "Am I now willing to step toward to claim the dreams I dropped?"

Have you settled for less? Has somone pressured you into doing something different from what your deep heartfelt sense is? Have you given up your power in order to please someone else?

This injury has served as a reminder that it is okay to protect yourself and step back from relationships and situations that are hurting you.

We must learn to give ourselves the same love and care that we offer to others. To be mindful and present. Create peace and serenity in our lives. I hear you. I'm making changes.