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I always thought I had to have a plan, to have it all figured out. Before I stepped out to do...
Think about it. Every moment of every day you are a choice away from a whole new world. Every...
Happy New Year! Happy New You! (so many of us hope for) Out of curiousity I wondered for how...
I got up early and headed over to the dealership to meet with Richard. Yesterday he asked me...
So I got this brillant idea. I'm in between jobs, living on savings at the moment; all the...
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with life? You want to do so much or HAVE to do so much and don't...
Gratitude. What does it truly mean to be grateful? When you feel good for the good things in your...
Today is the Anniversary of my "slaying" at the Joyce Meyer Conference. On this day in 2012 I...
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20) 19 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy spirit, who...
Think about that. Truth is a fear that you choose to believe. Our minds are so powerful. As we...
Yesterday I had an "awe"some day! It all started with this message I recieved on Facebook. "Hi!...
On July 16th I found out that the income I had been recieve would soon dry up. I thought it would...
I woke up this morning feeling joyful. I was so relieved to know I can finally bend my toe again!...
"OUCH!" Sunday, I accidently dropped an insulated, metal cup on my big toe (aka The Great Toe,...
Often times when we are humming along, something comes and knocks us right off track. When life...
I have been hearing a little voice in my head over the past few days saying to me, "rest in me." ...
This morning I decided to take my life back. I began the day with a morning walk. I have not...
I just sent a text to my Mom: As you know I am trusting Jesus with all. Especially in respect to...
I just woke up from a dream I had and I called out my childhood (middle school age) best friend's...
When we are living life for the next... and not in the moment we become sick. When we think to...